domingo, 28 de julio de 2019

Expandir la percepción con el arte

"Sacudirse la rutina de la percepción ordinaria, poder contemplar durante unas horas eternas el mundo exterior e interior, no como lo percibe una mente obsesionada por las palabras y los conceptos, sino como los aprehende directa e incondicionalmente la mente esa una experiencia de valor incalculable para todo ser humano."

Aldous Huxley ,"Las puertas de la percepción"

He direct views of the objects and their mirror images generate quite different interpretations of the 3D shapes. They look like vertical cylinders, but their sections appear to be different; in one view they appear to be rectangles, while in the other view they appear to be circles. We cannot correct our interpretations although we logically know that they come from the same objects. Even if the object is rotated in front of a viewer, it is difficult to understand the true shape of the object, and thus the illusion does not disappear.